
Day: February 24, 2022

What is the way forward with constant advents and advancements in the digital realm?

Meet one passionate and driven soul of the social media and digital industry who shares deep insights, Konstantinos Fountotos.  February 24: The way massive individuals are enthralling their respective is remarkable and inspirational, even for the one who have established themselves efficiently. No doubt domains play vital role to polish their creativity. The social medial […]

Chidi Okereke – The Maverick Entrepreneur

February 24: Chidi Okereke is an entrepreneur, writer and head Of business Devon troy copper, a digital Media marketing and communications agency in Lagos. He is the founder and head of strategy at thisruption communications. Entrepreneur Chidi Okereke is an optimistic personality and believes that every difficulty is nothing but a hurdle that inspires you […]
